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de 22 a 28 de outubro




Green Plants


Leia sobre os objetivos do Fórum Virtual Forus


Veja o programa e as diferentes sessões

Etapa 3

Selecione todas as sessões de que gostaria de participar. As sessões acontecerão de 22 a 28 de outubro, entre 12 GMT e 16:30 GMT / UTC.


Você precisa de mais informações? Quer compartilhar ideias?

photo2 Mission de capitalisation experie

sobre o FÓRUM VIRTUAL DO 2020 

Caros membros e amigos da Forus,


Os últimos meses, sem dúvida, apresentaram desafios sem precedentes para todos nós e esperamos que você tenha conseguido se manter forte, apesar das circunstâncias.


Na Forus, continuamos a trabalhar nosso melhor nos próximos projetos e eventos cruciais. Infelizmente, a 5ª Assembleia Geral do Forus inicialmente planejada no Camboja de 24 de outubro a 28 de outubro de 2020 foi adiada para o primeiro semestre de 2021 sob um formato diferente, dadas as circunstâncias.


Com as contribuições de nossos membros, decidimos organizar um Fórum Virtual Forus com sessões sobre diferentes tópicos importantes para as organizações da sociedade civil. Os primeiros 3 dias serão abertos para que todos possam participar, enquanto os últimos 2 dias são apenas para membros. Confira o programa abaixo, encontre recursos interessantes , conecte-se com aliados e membros de nossa rede.

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  • Closing panel: a positive agenda for civil society
    Closing panel: a positive agenda for civil society
    qua., 28 de out.
    28 de out. de 2020, 14:30 – 16:30
    online event
    28 de out. de 2020, 14:30 – 16:30
    online event
    In the closing session, we will build on the discussions that took place throughout the Forum to end on a positive and energizing note and embrace the spirit of our 2025 strategy: formulating and promoting a positive agenda for civil society.
  • Enabling Environment for a thriving civil society: what role for Forus?
    Enabling Environment for a thriving civil society: what role for Forus?
    qua., 28 de out.
    28 de out. de 2020, 12:00 – 14:00
    online event
    28 de out. de 2020, 12:00 – 14:00
    online event
    What role should Forus play in promoting an enabling environment for its members? - presenting the findings of the Forus Scoping Study on Enabling Environment (2020)
  • Accountability to build trust
    Accountability to build trust
    ter., 27 de out.
    27 de out. de 2020, 14:30 – 16:30
    online event
    27 de out. de 2020, 14:30 – 16:30
    online event
    How can we use accountability to deepen trust within a network, and build “solidarity in action”?
  • Forus’ 2021-25 strategy: what priorities for 2021?
    Forus’ 2021-25 strategy: what priorities for 2021?
    ter., 27 de out.
    27 de out. de 2020, 12:00 – 14:00
    online event
    27 de out. de 2020, 12:00 – 14:00
    online event
    This session will focus on concrete aspects of Forus’ new strategy, looking at priorities and activities planned for 2021.
  • Exploring new funding approaches for civil society
    Exploring new funding approaches for civil society
    seg., 26 de out.
    26 de out. de 2020, 14:30 – 16:30
    online event
    26 de out. de 2020, 14:30 – 16:30
    online event
    The objective of the session is to launch the homonymous toolkit and debate around the six main recommendations presented in this tool.The discussion will also address main current challenges and adaptations undertaken by members in times of the covid-19 pandemic.
  • Leveraging SDG 16  to defend and promote civic space
    Leveraging SDG 16  to defend and promote civic space
    seg., 26 de out.
    26 de out. de 2020, 12:00 – 13:30
    online event
    26 de out. de 2020, 12:00 – 13:30
    online event
    The opportunity for civil society to leverage Goal 16 of the 2030 Agenda to defend and promote civic space.
  • Safeguarding in practice
    Safeguarding in practice
    sex., 23 de out.
    23 de out. de 2020, 14:30 – 16:30
    online event
    23 de out. de 2020, 14:30 – 16:30
    online event
    Discuss safeguarding principles and main challenges in order to share practices and tools that leaders can take to strengthen safeguarding practices in their networks and organizations.
  • Financing for Development in a Post COVID world
    Financing for Development in a Post COVID world
    sex., 23 de out.
    23 de out. de 2020, 12:00 – 14:00
    online event
    23 de out. de 2020, 12:00 – 14:00
    online event
    This session will allow the network and its members to identify the key advocacy messages to be shared at the Finance in Common Summit - the first global meeting of public development banks taking place in November 2020.
  • The power of networks
    The power of networks
    qui., 22 de out.
    22 de out. de 2020, 14:30 – 16:30
    online event
    22 de out. de 2020, 14:30 – 16:30
    online event
    How can we create enabling conditions for a new world to emerge through our networks? Among peers we will dive into our stories as leaders, practitioners, and teammates, to discuss learning practices and reflect on how we have participated in social change.
  • Opening panel: Towards a people-centered power shift
    Opening panel: Towards a people-centered power shift
    qui., 22 de out.
    22 de out. de 2020, 12:00 – 14:00
    Online event
    22 de out. de 2020, 12:00 – 14:00
    Online event
    With this opening session, we’ll set the stage for the virtual forum through thought-provoking discussions on the role of civil society, in particular CSO networks and movements in challenging current development models and in shifting power dynamics, including in the sector itself.

Selecione todas as sessões das quais gostaria de participar.






“Estes são tempos desafiadores para a sociedade civil em todo o mundo. Precisamos construir redes globais que sejam capazes de conectar, apoiar e influenciar - sabendo que nossa verdadeira força reside na ação coletiva para uma mudança social positiva”.

- Sarah Strack, Diretora da Forus

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